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Juicy J Rushed To Hospital Before San Francisco Show

juicy-2-054380v1On Saturday night, rapper Juicy J was rushed to the hospital before his show at The Fillmore  in San Francisco. “I wanna apologize to my fans in San Fran I had to rush to the hospital I’m having shortness of breath I love you all pray for me.” tweets Juicy.

Several hours later, he posted a hospital picture along with a brief update. According to Juicy and his doctor, he simply has not been getting enough rest and was diagnosed with exhaustion. ‘The Hustle Continues” tour is expected to resume soon and the next stop will be on May 26th in Seattle.

“I’m feeling a lot better, just need to take it easy. The show must go on, thank you to everyone that checked on me I’m doing great!!!” says Juicy.

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