America Has Failed The Latino Community But Hip Hop Has A Solution

Big Pun
Big Pun

That oppression should create a common bond with black people in hip hop in theory. But the practice and execution is always harder. Example, when asked who the greatest Latin rapper of all-time? From the casual listener you are going to hear Big Pun, maybe a Fat Joe mention, but why? Because Big Pun is the only Latin rapper you can name and that is a problem. When a new rapper that is Hispanic even gets a hint of notoriety they are compared to Big Pun. Regardless of flow, lyrical ability or content that rapper is in a battle against a ghost and it is not fair. Many rappers of Latino descent have come in the game through the years and despite that, Pun has become this universal standard for Latin rappers to reached. Even the promotion is not the same for Latin hip hop artists. Every year XXL complies a list of rappers they consider next and put them on the cover of that issues magazine. This has happened every year since 2007, with the exception of 2008, and guess how many rappers that are Latino made the cover?

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