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Chris Brown Claims He Was Bamboozled in Recent Karrueche Tran Debacle

Chris & Karrueche

Chris Brown was set up by his friends who told him that his ex-girlfriend, Karrueche Tran, wanted to get back with him which left Chris looking like a crazy ex at a night club according to TMZ.

So this is what happened. Sources that are close to the former couple told TMZ that Chris got a table at Playhouse, where Karrueche would be that night, because some of their mutual friends allegedly told him to. Chris’ so called friends hyped him to telling him that Karrueche was ready to work things out.

You can only guess that Chris was later shocked to see Karruche storm out of the club.

The truth is, Karruche never told their friends that she wanted to get back with Chris. Sources told TMZ that they’re cutting off the so-called “friends” behind the conspiracy.

I mean, this is funny, but it ain’t funny.

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