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Forgiveness? Negro Please! Blogger Tells Christians Stop The Madness (Video Alert)

With the systematic burning of black churches across America, many are wondering why in the world a more aggressive approach has not happened to combat this type of racism in America. If the terrorist organization ISIS were to hold racist protests across American communities, their presence would be met with great resistance by the Government as well as by those who stand for justice for all. So why are not white supremacist organizations treated like terror groups in this country? Clear evidence is available that shows that these type of organizations will waste no time in killing innocent black people and many also believe terror suspect Dylann Roof didn’t act alone.

Yvette Carnell of had an interesting and profound view on why Christians should not be so quick to forgive. As she pointed out in her video, Dylann Roof never asked for their forgiveness so why are they so quick to offer it? To do so as she pointed out is to invite others to commit similar heinous acts without retribution.  Carnell also believes that Barack Obama is not doing enough to combat domestic terrorism as the President and blacks shouldn’t simply support him because he is the president. Why isn’t he using his executive powers to appoint a special czar to deal with the systematic burning of black churches? Why is he singing a song that was wrote by a former slave master in a black church? Check out the video above and let us know what you think?

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