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Exclusive Interview: Produkt Talks Importance of ‘Inconspicuous’ to Hip Hop Music

New York Rapper Produkt, more importantly a real figure in the culture, has been vocal about starting a conversation that is not happening in the community. One topic is the lack of Latino voices in hip hop, and why labels are not spending money in the locations that their artist come from.

Starting from the title Incon-spic-uous was purposely highlighted.

I highlighted the word spic for a reason, there is more to it that is the point. There is more to it than you see that is why it is inconspicuous.

What fans of hip hop will really appreciate besides the message Produkt has laid out, it the authenticity of it. It is real experiences and nothing is fabricated for sales, that these labels have done a good job at promoting to the masses.

I feel like this culture needs a voice to remind them of what this business use to be. I need the world to hear me.

Produkt brings you from wherever you are in life back to the streets and then the club back to where you started. It is a refreshing take that an artist takes this craft so seriously and understands the platform and power they have on millions of people. If you are tired of rappers lying and selling the youth a message for profit, then Incon-spic-uous is your mixtape and Produkt is your rapper. Really is the culture’s rapper.

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