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Racking Up L’s: Pornhub Weighs in on Tyga Controversy


For anyone unaware of the situation that Tyga is going through, there is a lot to catch you up on. If you did not know Tyga is dating Kylie Jenner, who is 17, more on that later. That is not what has him in the headlines however.

Tyga allegedly had an ongoing relationship with transgender actress Mia Isabella for the last 3 years. This would suggest he may have cheated on Kylie which is putting him in even more hot water. People have got their jokes off the past few days on Tyga;  Pornhub has decided to add their two cent to this already disastrous media frenzy.

Pornhub is one of the leading online porn sites and they sent out this tweet.

Tyga has to be having one of the worst few weeks ever. His album was released unexpectedly and went double wood forcing him to defend the sales on social media. Now he has these allegations of cheating on a minor with a transgender actress. If this is true then the time frame would overlap with Tyga’s relationship with Blac Chyna, also the mother of his child.

So Tyga seems to have a thing for strippers, young girls and transgenders…alright then. If Kylie leaves him over this transgression, where Tyga goes next up in the air. We’ll tell him now that Caitlyn Jenner likes women so any thought of keeping in the family can be ruled out Tyga.

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