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Minister Farrakhan Warns Rappers to be Mindful of His Enemies


Minister Louis Farrakhan recently released a special video to his friends in the rap community. If you have been following, this year will mark the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March and this year’s event is titled ‘Justice or Else’. Farrakhan has met with a slew of rappers, whom he calls the new leaders of the people. Since this deceleration, Minister Farrakhan has noticed a trend of interest.

“I’ve noticed that if you come and sit with me and I give you good counsel, good advice. The next thing I know my brother, rapper has been arrested. Such was the case of Young Jeezy after he visited with me. After Sean ‘Puffy” Combs visited with me. After Rick Ross visited with me and we embraced each other; and 2 Chainz and Young Thug, all of a sudden they’ve done something wrong with the law. I say to my brothers and sisters in the rap community. This demonstrates the fear of the enemy that has covered me up for 20 years. Not allowing me on their major television stations, not allowing me to be interviewed. Stopping me from talking in the various colleges and universities. Never wanting me to speak to our young people.”

This something that is worthy of paying attention to. While there is no way to correlate the meetings with their later legal or public problems, it should not be ignored. The Hip Hop Police is a very real thing. Originating in the New York Police Department and spreading to other cities since, there have been lists of rappers that are supposed to be watched and observed.

You can even look towards the COINTELPRO program, something Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam had to become familiar with for one reason or another. If you are not aware of COINTELPRO, it was an illegal and covert operation by the FBI to disrupt domestic political organizations and movements. Their motivation was to protect that nation’s security, basically think the Patriot Act after 9/11 but condones infiltration and assassination on top of wrongful imprisonment.

So Minister Farrakhan has real reason to be worried for himself and the rap community, it can not be simply dismissed as just a conspiracy theory or paranoia . Farrakhan also asks those that oppose him, “What have I said that has you so upset”? He explains how he has been written to and the rappers he speaks to have been labeled, ‘vile’ and ‘thugs’. Farrakhan replies to those statements like this.

“My mission is the transformation of human life. Particularly black, brown and red life. So when you see me with those who may have broken the law, or been vile in their speech and degrading women in their talks or promoting thug life. Don’t be upset because it’s written in the scriptures that Jesus sat with the publicans and the sinners. And when his critics said, ‘Why are you sitting with them’? Jesus said, ‘ Is it not the sick that need a doctor? My people have been made sick in their journey in america under the sickest human being of them all.”

He ends his message to the rap community with a final warning to clean up the image and be weary of the traps he claims are being set.

“When you come to me, know that I love you and that I want to see you and our life transform. When you leave me know that they are trying to find a way to hurt or to harm you. So go and wash, as Jesus said, and be clean. Clean up your life, clean up your act and let us come together as never before; and let the enemies see that we are united for 10/10/15, the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March where the theme is Justice or Else.”

Adding that the rappers should ask their followers to join the march and that there will not be any dependence to receive the justice and equity that is deserved. Those in power to give it, will have to according to Farrakhan.

The video is very powerful and there is a movement can really be seen in the hip hop community to be more active for political matters. The Breakfast Club interview has truly allowed for other avenues for Farrakhan to deliver his message to the youth and they are responding.

The amount of people, and the type of people, that come out in October will be the true testament towards the work Minister Farrakhan and the rappers have achieved in the past few months. The language may make some uncomfortable but message of equality and justice needs to be demanded. A united front is what it takes to achieve any dream or goal, especially one of this magnitude.

I advise anyone with the opportunity and or capability to go to Washington D.C. Weather you agree with Farrakhan or his beliefs comes last to actually demonstrating that no longer will a ‘crab in a barrel’ mentality will be tolerated and that the opportunities this country is suppose provide for everyone will be a reality and not a dream.

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