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Real Hip-Hop is Having a Baby! #UTFO


Brooklyn native Kangol Kid and Staten Island’s own Tajiri the RichTwin are having a baby! Kangol Kid is best known from the group UTFO and the hip hop classic ‘Roxanne, Roxanne’. His wife has her own legacy in the culture as a member of the Wu-Tang Twins and dancer for Shyiem the Rugged Child.

The importance of this baby is that it will be the last direct heir from the pioneers of hip hop. As everyone that founded and pushed the culture forward are actually becoming grandparents now. You can consider the unborn baby Hip Hop royalty of sorts.

The two are organizing the largest Hip Hop baby shower ever.The shower will include several media imprints, such as Essence and Hip Hop Weekly. The evening is dubbed ‘A Birth of Fresh Heir’.

The baby shower occurs at The Lenora, 525 West 29th St New York, NY 10001 (11th Ave & 10th Ave) on July 23rd.

Let the hip hop community welcome and rejoice the last direct heir to the culture the right way!

Fun fact: Our own Dennis Byron toured with the legendary group during their illustrious career in hip hop.

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