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Petition Started to get Funkmaster Flex Fired From Hot 97

Funkmaster Flex Concept Ford

Azeem Khan, is the mastermind behind the petetion to remove DJ Funkmaster Flex all the way off of Hot 97 airwaves. Funkmaster Flex has been catching major heat for not delivering on the Meek Mill diss which was promoted at 7 pm last night. 7 came and went and people stayed listening and nothing was delivered. Since then social media has been going in on Flex and of course Charlemagne Tha God made him his ‘Donkey of the Day’.

The petition states:

There has always been word that DJ Funk Funkmaster Flex was not someone who was willing to give up his position at Hot 97 for his slot. Despite constant critiques from everywhere for the old man to step down, and give the younger people a shot he decided to stay where he was. Last year Dame Dash was at the forefront of the movement saying that Funk Flex really needs to just leave. Well, today was the last straw. This fraud of a DJ decided to lie to everyone for ratings and downloads of the Hot 97 app that Meek Mill would be on tonight to release a diss track to Drake to no avail. No one has given Hot 97 two hours of listening time since Biggie was alive, and it’s a crime to have taken that from us. The people have spoken and it is time for Funk Flex to step down.

If you want to sign the petition to get Funkmaster Flex off of Troll Hot 97, click here

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