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Actor Wesley Snipes Says He Has No Regrets in Turning Down Kick Ass” Role of Playing Luscious on Empire

ADV. FOR WEEKEND EDITIONS, AUG. 28-30--Actor Wesly Snipes strikes a fighting pose in costume following an interview in New York Aug. 13, 1998. Snipes stars in the new anti-vampire film, 'Blade,' as the title character, a postmodern superhero who slashes his way through a teaming mass of toothy bloodsuckers. (AP Photo/Jim Cooper)

Instead of having regrets of passing on the role of Lucious Lyon on FOX’s Empire, actor Wesley Snipes has nothing but love for the show and its star Terrence Howard. According to TMZ, Snipes would not mind having a guest spot on the hit TV show.

Back in January, creator Lee Daniels said that his first choice was Wesley Snipes, but Taraji P. Henson (who plays Cookie Lyon) suggested that Terrence Howard should play the role of Lucious because she had better chemistry with him. So Wesley lost the film role.

When Wesley was asked about the show and why he could not commit to the role he said: Yeah, the ‘Empire’ thing did come across my desk and it just, the combination of things and the time demands didn’t make it viable.”

What kind of role do you think Wesley could play on Empire? A drug dealer like Nino Brown? Or a kick ass martial artist type?

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