They Tried It: Conservative Media Attempted to Out Activist Shaun King as White



    One of the faces of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ matter movement has been a man named Shaun King. King has been recently under attack by a right-wing website named, Breitbart. The site has been accusing Shaun King of lying about his race to receive a Oprah Winfrey scholarship to Morehouse University. As well as making up being the victim of a hate crime in high school which caused him to need three spinal cord surgeries.

    Of course people immediately remember Rachel Dolezal, who pretended to be black for many years. This is completely different before those comparisons are to be made. First, it has not been proven that King is white, he has always claimed to be bi-racial unlike Dolezal. King also has not done anything physically to ‘look the part’, Rachael was consciously keeping up with typically African-American hairstyles and darkening herself. Also, Dolezal used her new role to basically assimilate through the NAACP to achieve acclaim and recognition. Shaun King has been putting in work with organizing committees and being a real voice for the cause.

    King arguably, has advanced the message of racial injustice more than most and for a fact has done more than the people who originally throwing these allegations his way. The site Breitbart, claims to have his birth certificate saying he is white. This sadly echoes when conservative media demanded that our president show his birth certificate to prove his citizenship. The underlying, yet blatant, racism in that alone was egregious enough.

    King did take to Twitter to defend himself, since these claims began to pick up reporting even though the site has been leveling this story about him for months.


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