They Tried It: Conservative Media Attempted to Out Activist Shaun King as White




    King’s wife has written a Facebook post on the situation. As well as his childhood friend which can also be read on Facebook. To further question the validity of all speculation, Breitbart was the site responsible for Shirley Sherrod losing her job with the Department of Agriculture. They took excerpts and showed chopped up and screwed video that made Sherrod look racist. She was forced out her position because of it but when the full video was released many media outlets came to her defense. As the speech was really about not letting personal prejudices get in the way of helping others.

    We should always question everything we hear, but as the information lines up it appears as if this is a smear campaign against Shaun King. He has done amazing work to help bring awareness and end to police brutality, this story that very well maybe be false should not undermine his contributions.

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