Looking for A Pay Day? Raekwon Wants To Make Wu-Tang Biopic


Screen-Shot-2015-03-05-at-16-14-44For the past two weeks “Straight Outta Compton” has been the prime example that hip hop can make it in the film industry. The film’s success might have opened the doors for other hip hop non-fictions film to created. One that would make sense would be a movie about the Wu-Tang Clan.

During an interview with Hot 97, Wu-Tang member Raekwon, who stopped by to discuss the launch of his Diadora N.9000 collaborative shoe with Packer Shoes. Also, the Clan member suggested that there should be a possible Wu-Tang biopic for the fans to enjoy.

“When we make a Wu movie, bet your ass its gonna be serious,” Rae said when asked about the possibility. “Because we gotta tell the truth. And I think that’s what I love about the “Straight Outta Compton” movie is that they told the truth. When we do get to that level and it happens, it has to be the real story. It’s gonna be an interesting one, cause I said – RZA hit the lotto one day. He knew who he had, but he didn’t know what he had. So let’s keep it right there.”

wutangLook for Raekwon’s upcoming documentary called “The Purple Files,” which is based on the 20th anniversary of his album “Only Built 4 Cuban Linx.”

“It’s already in the plans,” he said. “When you think of great albums, you know, you’re looking at a lot of 20 year anniversaries coming up right now… And I think the main thing is we all get behind that. It ain’t just a Raekwon or Ghost thing. I mean it’s a whole Hip Hop legacy thing.”

Do you think a possible Wu-Tang movie would be as successful as Straight Outta Compton?

Check out the interview above.

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