Although the confederate flag has been a symbol of racism and hate in for many Americans, it has been removed from many state government building because of the Charleston shootings in June. The death of nine people in a Charleston, SC church also motivated citizens to remove the flag from public grounds and license plates, but Alabama rapper Yelawolf will not give up his confederate flag gear.
The Shady records rapper wrote a long Facebook post defending the flag, saying it was apart of his roots:
Ain’t no way I’m letting some ones ignorance tear me from my roots .. you fcking fck boys can save it with this anti Dixie SHT !! .. You media succubus in fashion and news are taking full advantage of yourself’s business .. Not knowing at all the damage you’re creating by giving a false impression of who we are in the South .. We’re GOOD PEOPLE !!! .. We love our small towns and we love our folks .. For me and me only I’ll tell you like this … Rip DIME BAG DARRELL !! and Long live PANTERA !! .. Long live Lynyrd Skynyrd !!… Long Live Dukes of Hazard . .And mother FCKER … The DIXIE WILL NEVER DIE !! … Do you want Me to mention my black inspirations on the Dixie side .. like Big Gipp who I saw in a full Dixie Flag outfit at Madison Square Garden in 05 ? , or Andre 3000 rocking a Dixie Flag Belt buckle in ” Sorry ms Jackson ? ” , maybe little Jhon or Pastor Troy who rocked the Dixie Flag in a protest against ignorance ? … I saw the GROWTH and the POWER !! NOT THE DEMISE !!! And here we have these fcking yuppies from the west coast and world wide jumping on this band wagon .. Who know NOTHING ABOUT US .. Other than the movies and misrepresented news reels they see .. Lied too at school and at home .. Further deepening the injury of social perception .. With this wack ass image of a burning Dixie Flag …. Fck that !! … Well I can tell you that a #slumerican will never support you .. We’re beyond you all .. More open and way more prepared than you are DIXIE !!! #slumerican

The t-shirt displaying a Confederate Flag burning, that Yelawolf ranted about was made by Babylon, ran by Lee Spielman, of the punk band called Trash Talk. Spielman went to Twitter to give his response to the rapper’s ridiculous post.
The only good racist is a dead racist
— LEE SPIELMAN (@LeeSpielman) August 25, 2015
Amen brother — LEE SPIELMAN (@LeeSpielman) August 25, 2015
Do you think Yelawolf’s social media rant will affect his Shady Records boss Eminem, who is also a white rapper or does he condone supporting the Confederate flag as well?
Does Yelawolf realize black people discovered hip hop which he is making a handsome career with?
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