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New Video Alert: Jon James- Hello

jon-james-650x274-600x274Jon James of Nitro Circus fame is looking to make an impact in the music world. While an up and coming artist, Jon James has a nice resume of collaborations and experience himself. He’s collaborated w/ artists like Ghostface Killah, Hopsin, and Tech N9Ne and participated in one of Canada’s top battle rap competitions, ‘King of The Dot’.

In the video, James is seen performing extreme stunts that include free-falling from 13,000 feet while rapping his lyrics, and back flipping off of a bridge from the back of a semi truck before launching a chute to save himself. If there is anything James can say he does better than any other rapper, it living life to the extreme. His concerts must be something else.

He has an EP out now called Rex Leo which is free and available at Jon Jame’s personal website.

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