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Meek Mill is Not Having it with Any Drake Jokes! Goes Off on Fan During His Show


Meek Mill headlined the Fool’s Gold Festival in Brooklyn, New York last night. During the show a fan held a Drake sign up that really got under the skin of Meek Mill. What the sign said is unknown, but it had appeared the Drake versus Meek Mill beef was over. Whatever it said, the sign was enough for Meek Mill to send a member of his entourage to go and stand near the fan in attempt to scare him.

Meek Mill said:

Put that Drake sign up again, nigga. Fuck you talkin’ ’bout you fuckin’ clown. Don’t ever come in here and fuckin’ play on no Meek Milly tryna pick on me like I’m a fuckin’ dweeb or somethin’

We will have to assume the sign was very disrespectful. If it was just a Drake sign that the fan just happened to want to hold up, this could reignite the beef. After all we never heard ‘3 Peat’ which was teased at OVOFest just over a couple of months ago.

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