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Chicago Artists Come Together to Release ‘Justice or Else’ Record


With the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March approaching, reports that many artists from Chicago slated to appear on a collaborative track called ‘Justice or Else.’ The song features Teefa, Katie Got Bandz, GLC, Saba, Lil Herb, Que Billah, King Louie and several others. Minister Farrakhan is on the record as well, yet his exact contribution vocally is unknown.

Chicago has long been a target of inner city violence, earning the moniker Chi-raq as a result. In an effort to not only show the city can be united and is combating the violence in their city, ‘Justice or Else’ can serve as a way to start real conversation in hip hop, regarding not only Chicago but police brutality and racial injustice.

Minister Farrakhan has reached out to many rappers to be apart of this year’s historic event on October 10th, in Washington, D.C. This is a great indication that they are listening and that the turnout from the hip hop community could be overwhelmingly positive.

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