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Tyga Cancels Brazilian Tour Because Kylie Jenner Said So?


Kylie Jenner and Tyga can be called official, now that she is 18. Many questioned what they have in common with not only their age gap but the points they are in their lives with their respective ages. Well Kylie appears to be a wise 18 year-old , or at least a jealous one.

According the Daily Mail Tgya canceled his tour of Brazil on her behalf. The reason? Fans say is that she is worried her man may go to Brazil and find someone else he likes. He had three shows booked for this week and this last-minute cancellation will cost him a good bit of money. The promoters are placing all the blame on Kylie for this move.

Tyga could be fined up to $400,000 for breaching his contract. The organizers will have to issue out refunds to fans. As they already paid for their tickets and Tyga’s fees, transport, accommodation and production costs were allegedly paid for as well already. The tour was set to take him to Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte and originally they were told that he could not tour because of a visa.

Now that it may be Kylie’s fault, is Tyga gonna ruin his career trying to keep up with a Kardashian?

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