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Rich Homie Quan Possibly Facing Child Endangerment Charges


Over the weekend a video surfaced of rapper Rich Homie Quan appearing to be smoking weed while holding his son Royal. His child is only one-year-old which makes the situation appear even worse. TMZ reported that Georgia authorities have seen the video and were outraged. As they claim, Child Protective Services and Fulton County Police have teamed up to investigate the matter, opening up a probe into the case.

The probe would ask questions to determine how frequently this occurs and overall just testing his competence as a parent.

Rich Homie has responded to the backlash on Instagram:

To whom it may concern: First off,I would like to apologize to my son,(Royal) my fans and all the parents around the world.By no means would I do anything to hurt my son or any kid in the world.I regret that I chose to continue to smoke once Royal jumped in my lap.After looking back on it I realize my error and I am sorry for my actions. I would also like to take the time to let people around the world know that this pedestal that I have been placed upon I do not take it for granted but I need people to understand that I am only human and I make mistakes just like anyone else. In spite of this situation I will continue to strive to be the best parent I can be. Thanks RHQ!!

Between the rape lyrics, the speedboat incident and now this, there seems to be some more than questionable behavior by Rich Homie Quan this year alone. Not sure who is in his team but someone is going to have to help him be more aware of his actions, because no one wants to labeled a bad parent especially because of something that could have been so easily avoided.

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