Sick Bastard! George Zimmerman Tweets Out Unedited Picture of Trayvon Martin’s Dead Body


    george zimmerman and trayvon martin

    There is something seriously sick about George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman is only known for killing an unarmed black teenager, something he has turned into a brand and is proud of. His twitter account which features the confederate flag as his profile picture, he has tweeted his fair share of racially insensitive remarks and now he has somehow outdone himself.

    Zimmerman retweeted a post that included the dead body of Trayvon Martin. The tweet which mentioned Zimmerman said, ‘Z-man is a one man army’. Thankfully, Twitter removed the photo after many people reported it, but New York Daily News was able to screen capture it. The photo is blurred but is still very hard to view.


    Zimmerman allowed the photo to be on his timeline with no distortion however. This “man” has not one ounce of humanity in him and all his “apologies” meant absolutely nothing as he is really showing the world now. He has said some incredibly stupid and insensitive comments on his twitter page but this is without a doubt the absolute worst thing he has done since taking Trayvon’s life.

    He also is defending himself following the backlash.

    He also has taken aim with President Obama calling him a race baiting president and in previous posts and “ignorant baboon”. Zimmerman has taken the cake for world’s worst person. He will one day get is comeuppance, as the level of disrespect he continues to show Trayvon Martin’s family is sickening and clearly he holds racist views with the language he uses.

    Zimmerman is scum, an animal and is disturbed. The way he carries himself on Twitter and the way he acted the night he murdered Traycon Martin, is a clear indication that this man is a pathetic, soulless, coward and just a worthless entity that does not deserve a drop of good fortune.

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