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Fat $naccs & $afe feat. A-Cash – Country N!gga From The Bottom [VIDEO]

Southside Raleigh, N.C. artists drop a new ‘gutter-like’ visual. Snaccs
F.I.U. Entertainment presents the first single release, from their Southside, Raleigh N.C. street bred label. This first single, ‘Country Nigga From The Bottom’debuts as the first single from the label compilation project, with no present release date. Two artists $afe and $naccs collaborated on this Raleigh heat, to bring forth their real ‘selves‘. This southern street record, features the producer and rap artist A-Cash, repping Southside, Raleigh NC as well. Video shot by Wally D, of Raleigh, N.C. gives you quite a bit of street visuals from inner city Raleigh, as well as the profound display of personalities of both artists.

Hear & download the audio here:


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