Spike Lee Responds To His Critics About Chi-Raq Movie: Don’t Get It Twisted!


    Earlier today, wrote that there were some people who wasn’t happy about what was in the trailer for Spike Lee’s upcoming movie “Chiraq” which as he explained in a video released to today that the movie is not a comedy, it is a satire and he is very sympathetic to the senseless murders that have taken place is Chicago.

    Chicago rapper Rhymefest was among those critical of the trailer. “I think it’s irresponsible,” Rhymefest told the Tribune by phone Thursday. “The overwhelming majority of people on the South and West Side believe this is foolishness.”

    If you are a fan of Spike Lee’s movies, you will undoubtedly understand that there is a method to what he does and once again he has achieved something great without even debuting the movie and that is that people are already talking about it…good or bad, it is sure to be a box office hit.

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