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New York Judge Puts The Brakes on Bobby Shmurda Bail Release

Bobby-Shmurda-Bobby-BitchA Manhattan judge just decided that rapper Bobby Shmurda bail package didn’t meet the criteria necessary for the rapper to gain his freedom. Our reporter was in the courtroom when the judge stated that there wasn’t enough equity in the property that was proposed as collateral for Bobby Shmurda’s bond release. The judge then amended his bond requirements to include assets that are owned by the family member who will be signing his bond. The rapper was able to let those in attendance for him to know that he loved them. His next hearing is scheduled for next January.

He faces 5 charges, on 8 counts, including conspiracy to commit 2nd degree murder, conspiracy to commit 2nd degree assault, weapons and narcotics charges. Among those, here is some of what is alleged:

While these charges sound extremely serious, the rapper’s attorney state the charges is a “bunch of bullshit”, but of course that remains to be seen. Story developing.

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