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Hate Crime? California Prison Worker Goes on Hate Rant Because of Muslims Praying in Park

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A Muslim man was assaulted recently in a San Francisco Bay area park because of an off-duty jail employee not respecting his right to prayer.

Rasheed Albeshari said he was praying near volleyball courts at Lake Chabot Regional Park in the Bay Area, when he was harassed by a California prison worker. And it was all captured on camera.

The video shows Denise Slader approaching Albeshari. Slader, a 10-year employee of the California Department of Corrections, screamed, “Allah is Satan” and the “Koran is evil,” Albeshari said.

“Your mind has been taken over, brainwashed, and you have nothing but hate,” Slader yelled in her Islamophobic rant.

When a park officer arrived, Albeshari said that Slader was insulting his religion. But the only part of the exchange Slader found inappropriate was her hateful words being recorded.

She attacked the cameraman with her umbrella and then threw a cup of coffee in his face, Albeshari said. Apparently police we called however the woman was not arrested but prosecutors are reviewing the footage and will decide to file charges next week.

Slader has been employed as a program technician for parole operations with California’s Department of Corrections for about 10 years, Jeffrey Callison, a corrections department spokesman, said. Her employer has launched their own internal investigation to see whether she violated her employment contract.

With this type of hate in her heart, why is she even being allowed to work around inmates?

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