Lack of Flaws – Gemini


    In 2016 in “Motor City,” the stakes are high as they are in many cities across the country. Despite an economy thats slowly seeing gains, the vision is still hazy for many in Detroit but Lack of Flaws brings clarity to that haziness with his new project. With an understanding of the streets and an ability to #CTheVision, Lack of Flaws presents his Gemini: B-Side project via his own imprint, Chart Vision. The project is a poignant take on life in 2016 as a Black man looking to find his way in a game with ever changing rules.

    Having moved around from Detroit to Minnesota to LA and back again honing his craft, Lack of Flaws has a diverse background that started on the Westside of Detroit and shaped his music in various ways. After putting out a few freestyles and singles over the years, Lack of Flaws is done holding back and has finally built up enough stories for his project that is Gemini: B-Side. B-Side is the classic tale of growing, leaving and returning to the city that made you.

    “Everything has been leading up to ‘Gemini,’. I always understood the importance of the first album. I’m glad I waited and made sure that I was ready to release this.” Lack of Flaws said

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