Trailer: Meet The Blacks Starring Mike Epps, Mike Tyson, Charlie Murphy & more #MeetTheBlacks #BlackPurge



    A big move to Beverly Hills, King Bach chasing you with a gun, Mike Tyson in a perm, and an angry mob of neighbors attempting to kill you on the one night crime is legal… this is probably what Carl Black (Mike Epps) and family would describe if you were to ever meet the Blacks.  Prepare to be entertained as we witness this family of highly untrained, nonprofessionals do what it takes to get through the purge with their number one rule to surviving the night – doing what white people don’t do in scary movies!  Check out the new red band trailer below where misadventure, panic and comedy unravel in this hilarious upcoming spoof, MEET THE BLACKS, starring Mike Epps.

    Synopsis: The Black family is getting out of Chicago in hopes of a better life. After Carl Black (Mike Epps) recently came into some unexpected funds, Carl takes his family and leaves the hustling lifestyle behind for something better. Carl, his wife Lorena (Zulay Henao), son Carl Jr., daughter Allie Black (Bresha Webb) and cousin Cronut (Lil Duval) pack up and move to Beverly Hills.  As luck wouldn’t have it, Carl couldn’t have picked a worse time to move. They arrive right around the time of the annual purge, when all crime is legal for twelve hours.

    Movie hits theaters April 2016

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