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Atlanta Celebrity Stylist Rumored to Earn More Than The President of the United States!

Is your mom this fab???

In a time when many are feeling the pinch from a staggering economy, Celebrity Stylist Shun Melson has not only managed to bag such top clientele as Monica, Gucci Mane, Kandi Burress, SWV, and so many others, she has also managed to clock more dollars in a year than our current sitting President as she is rumored to have grossed over $300,000.00 plus this year from all her hard work as a well sort after stylist. When we asked her about these extraordinary numbers, all she would do is break a cool smile.

A Lasting Impres-Shun… HHE Fashion Guru Tyson Meets Celebrity Stylist Shun Melson!

The problem with first impressions is that you only get to make one. So you can imagine both my intimidation and joy when I was introduced to celeb stylist Shun Melson.  Having been working  in the industry for over 10 years this mother of 2 is the CEO and founder of Creative Solutionz LLC. and Atlanta, GA’s secret style weapon. She’s like an ace up the sleeve when it comes to celebrity dressing.

And I can still remember my first encounter of her. She was sitting with one leg folded under the other in an office chair. She looked in my direction upon me entering. Her smile was as bright as her cropped pixie-cut blonde hair. And just like a moth is attracted to the flame, I was immediately drawn in. She was pint-sized but largely charismatic. Animated without being cartoonish. Her smile was welcoming but I was still cautious. I didn’t say much. I stood, gazed, and listened to my boss and her plan an upcoming shoot with rap star B Stacks.

Rap star B Stacks & Shun Melson on the set of HHE photo shoot

I loved hearing the industry insider banter between the two of them. She has a close working relationship with rapper Waka Flocka and  his mom-manager (momager)  Deb (who safe to say Shun is on a first name basis with). She’s worked with Tip, Gucci Mane, Monica, celeb photographer’s Derek Blanks & our own Dennis Byron and a slew other notable southern stars in entertainment.

Her personal style is matched by none other that I’ve ever seen.  At RHOA’s Kim Zolciak’s baby shower in April she added a bit of drama to the affair in a red leopard blouse, waist caged in a variation of Japanese obi  belt meets bondage worn on top of layer upon layer of black tulle. And the crop of blonde locks frolicking atop her crown was the icing on the cake.  I never thought it possible that someone could pull off an Adidas track suit with gold sequined Uggs, but she did! And that’s just part of the magic that Shun is able to capsulate. It would have to be magic to make someone like Nene look half descent.

Shun’s dramatic act next to Kim’s assistant Sweetie

To have worked with her, been near her is like taking a shot of some sort of fashion drug. The mundane and ordinary melt away to transform into spectacular works of art. Shun inspires her clients to dream and dazzle, to amaze and awe, and to let fabulousness run wild to the heart’s content.  The next time you spot your favorite celebrity with either their eyes framed in gilded studs or clouds of ruffles lingering around a neckline then you know they’ve had a hit of Shun!

Oh and about first impressions? You only get to make one, but having been graced by the work of Shun lasts forever!  For more info and photos of Shun’s work visit!


Putting the finishing touches on Kandi with hair stylist Derek J

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Images courtesy of Derek Blanks & Dennis Byron

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