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M R$CH – ‘No Co-Pilot (Dir. By Dontell Antonio)


Saint Paul Minnesota dweller, now residing in Hollywood California, Mikhol Richardson a.k.a. “M R$CH“, finally drops his long awaited sophomore mixtape entitled “No Co-Pilot”. Inspired by his surroundings, R$CH picked up the mic in 2013, which is pretty recent, and hasn’t left it alone since. Following the success of his first mixtape, Killswitch, which earned two million views on Worldstarhiphop, he’s here to deliver his latest visual along with the project.

A jazz tinged intro and the dope simplicity of a black and white cityscape set off the new single by M R$CH. “No Co-Pilot” offers an eclectic array of musical stylings within its instrumental (produced by Track Martians own AJ of Nazareth) that includes synth-y keys catering to R$CH’s unmistakably west-coast tone. The L.A. based emcee, finds his strides in catchy one-liners that connect through his ability to ride a beat in a chilled out pace.


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