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Rapper Quarterbird Considers Suicide After Friends Drug Overdose

HiphopEnquirer, has been keeping up with Quarterbird over the past year! During the Christmas season Quarterbird reportedly donated $5000.00 worth of toys for Rosa Acosta’s Toy Drive in Hollywood.   Later in the year we caught up with Quarterbird as he was seen supporting the launch of Amber Rose Digital App Zoobe during SXSW!

With all the moving around we can imagine how hard it must be for Quarterbird to have dealt with what he speaks about in this record. Quarter Bird, unveils a heartfelt true story about losing a dear friend, in his new record “Angel.” The Hip-Hop artist crafts together the story about his friend Christina who died in his arms from a drug overdose after trying to rehab and recover from using heroine. The rapper and singer belts out heart-wrenching lyrics like “I feel like I’m losing this fight…and the last thing I need is another angel on my shoulder. Look to the sky for new heights, Cover my eyes from the shade of the lights, way too bright, please just tell me when it’s over” and even admits to considering suicide as a way to deal with the pain.

The Los Angeles native continues to release both heartfelt narratives and gritty street bangers, that are based on real life events, and isn’t afraid to speak the truth about the life of hustling.

Quarter Bird, is currently focused on sharing his story through poetry and music unveiling the struggles of his life’s journey as the pain, loneliness and success continue to create emotions that he’s committed to release.

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