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Breaking News Update: 4 People Shot, One is DEAD Inside Rapper T.I.’s Concert in New York City

t.i. tidal
Within the last hour 3 people were shot outside a venue where rapper T.I. was scheduled to perform and police are now looking for the gunman. One female was shot in the leg while a male was shot in the chest. A third person was also shot but his condition is unknown at this time. One witness stated that people were being let into the club without being searched and that once he heard the shot, he just stood against a nearby wall.
Police said a 34-year-old man was shot in the chest and a 33-year-old man was shot in the stomach. One of the men later died at a hospital, police did not say which one. A 26-year-old woman was shot in the leg. Police said a fourth person walked into a hospital on their own.

Elijah Rodriguez was attending the concert with his sister and they were in the VIP area by the stage. He said T.I. was supposed to go on stage at 9 or 9:30 p.m. but “he never showed up.” At or around 10 p.m. he said the venue started playing music again, and at about 10:15 p.m., he saw a line of people coming out from where the performers were coming onstage.

The shooting occurred around 10:15pm as the rapper was putting on a show for about 1000 people. The 4th person who was shot walked to nearby NYU medical center for treatment but his condition is unknown at this time.

Check back soon as this is a developing story.

Source: AP/TMZ

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