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Master P Shadow Boxes With Muhammad Ali’s Shadow


(Louisville, KY) – As we all know, one of the greatest boxers of all time, Muhammad Ali, tragically died this past week. In honor of his legacy and everything that Ali stood for, Master P is releasing rare footage of his visit the The Muhammad Ali Center from 2015 before he passed away.

In the short clip, Master P channels his inner boxer as he tries his hand at boxing with one of the all-time greats. As Master P spars with Muhammad Ali’s shadow, he cleverly evokes Ali’s coined phrase, “Float Like A Butter Fly, Sting Like A Bee.”

“I’m about to make Muhammad Ali say Ughhh,” Master P joked as he began sparring with Ali’s shadow. “He didn’t go down yet? That was two to the face, he should have went down. I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”

Despite his competitive nature, Master P shows nothing but respect for the boxing legend even eluding to how he was the first rapper ever. As he continues to speak on the significance of Muhammad Ali’s legacy, he also reflects on Ali’s love for words and poetry.

“I mean you talk about Ali, he was definitely the greatest. I even like the way his personality was, the way he joked around, his poetry. I almost think he was rapping back then. It’s crazy, he was actually putting his words together,” Master P explained.

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