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Photo Alert: Media Dinner with the Cast of Wetv’s Cutting It In The ATL

Cast members of Cutting It In The ATL

Key Atlanta media gathered at Del Frisco’s Grille to dine with the cast of WE tv’s “Cutting It: In the ATL” and preview the new season of the hit series.

Lauren Gellert, Head of Programming at Wetv

Guests were met with cocktails and delicious appetizers on the patio bar. Afterwards, a three-course dinner was served, as WE tv head of programming Lauren Gellert introduced a teaser of their upcoming show “Jim & Chrissy: Vow or Never” followed by the full Season 2 Episode 1 of “Cutting It: In the ATL.”

Model/Actress Rita Davis & Hip Hop Enquirer’s Dennis Byron


Celebrity Publicist Saptosa Foster of 135th Street Agency


Cast members Maja Sly, Beautii J,  Dedra AllenMushiya TshikukaLakenya Morris along with newcomers Patricia Thompson, Tre Stylez and Stephen Webster were on hand for a feisty post-screening Q&A. The evening ended with one-on-one interviews and delicious desserts.

Images provided by Chris Mitchell/Dennis Byron

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