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New Music Alert: Boonie The Kid – Few Levels Higher


As the middle child of five, and born in the projects to parents who struggled with drug and alcohol addictions, Boonie witnessed many things that no child, or person, should have to be exposed to. Growing up, he did odd jobs and even committed petty crimes to help bring food and a little bit of money into the house. Moving to the Homewood area of Pittsburgh at eleven years old, Boonie’s involvement in the streets got even deeper, which eventually found him in juvenile detention and later in life in adult correctional facilities.

Boonie used these situations, along with his poor upbringing, as motivation and inspiration to create music and achieve his goals. At age nine, Boonie wrote his first R&B song and then went on to write his first rap song at age eleven. Boonie describes his music as streetwise, flashy, struggle, and lyrical. However, he is a versatile artist who can switch up his style and rap about any topic. Using his lyrical talent and ability to create concepts, Boonie can make music that he considers to be “songs,” instead of just rapping over a beat. Additionally, he has a good ear when it comes to production, which allows him to find the perfect beat to use as a supplement to his substance-filled.

In 2016, Boonie re-released a mixtape CD entitled “Raising Yhe Bar.” His current projects include a CD called “A Few Levels Higher,” as well as an EP with the legendary producer Domingo, that is currently in the works. Boonie’s “We Trappin” is currently available on YouTube having over 350k views.

Working hard to get his name out there, he now releases a new visual for “Few Levels Higher.”


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