Therapy Didn’t Work! Huma Abedin Tells Pervert Husband to Pack His Bags And Get Out!


One of Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s closest aides Huma Abedin has finally decided that her husband’s perverted actions via social media is becoming a huge distraction to the democratic candidate had has decided to leave her husband. Anthony was trending on twitter once again and of course it was of a sexual nature. Weiner was allegedly caught sending a lurid photo of himself to another woman while his minor son laid beside him.

Weiner’s political career was derailed in 2011 when he accidentally tweeted a photo of his crotch that was meant to be private messaged to a different woman with whom he was flirting online.

Abedin, meanwhile, has remained one of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides.

He returned to Twitter in April 2013, ahead of his failed mayoral run — when he was again busted for sexting, this time by Sydney Leathers, who exposed the digital dalliance.

At the time, Abedin stood by Weiner, saying the couple had worked through his perverse tendencies through “a lot of therapy.”

Do you think this will cost Hillary Clinton some vote’s because of Anthony Weiner’s actions?

Source: NYDN/

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