Interview: Brother Polight Believes Religion Has Been The Downfall of Black Communities


In a recent sit down interview with VladTV, prolific speaker and celebrity mentor Brother Polight explained why he believes religion has been the downfall of people of cover. He points out that religion was given to people of color during their time of servitude and he challenged anyone who could provide evidence to the contrary.

“We see that Christians called on Allah before Muslims called on Allah. The Christians worshiped Allah before the Muslims were even spoken of. And in fact, there’s no documentation of a Muslim until hundreds of years after the death of Prophet Muhammad. We don’t see no documentation or acknowledgement about Prophet Muhammad’s life until 200 hundred years after his death. I’m not saying he didn’t exist but if I tried to sell you a story thereafter, you would think its suspect.”

Does Brother Polight make a plausible argument? Can you provide research information to refute what he is saying? Leave a comment in the box below.

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