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R&B Songtress Alexis Ayaana Seen With Several Celebs During Grammy 2017

The breakout R&B songstress looks stunning as she’ s seen in multiple Los Angeles Grammy Events. Check out the images below.

Check the pics below,

Romeo Miller kicks it with Alexis Ayaana

Romeo Miller and Alexis Ayaana

Karen Civil and Alexis Ayaana look stunning at the Neiman Marcus Private GQ Magazine Event

Karen Civil and Alexis Ayaana


Ray J and Alexis Ayaana pose during the exclusive Raytroniks event held at Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills, CA.

The very talented Grammy award winning singer Brandy glowing with Alexis Ayaana by her side.

The owner of seen here with Alexis Ayaana during exclusiv Beverly Hills event.


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