Cold Feet? Young Pharaoh Backs Out Highly Anticipated Debate with Brother Polight


    After years of Brother Polight and Young Pharaoh contentious relationship, both agreed to a public debate that was scheduled to take place in New York City in June.

    A prelude to the debate involved the two of them appearing live last night on a highly watched YouTube stream that was hosted by Brother Polight. The purpose of the stream was for the two to hammer out the details of the upcoming debate. The conversation started off pretty civil until moderator Oprah Brown posed a question about Young Pharaoh’s claims of seeing extraterrestrial beings. He has stated on many videos that he has spoken to them in the past but when confronted, he failed to provide evidence of that actually happening. Our sources stated that within hours after the live stream, Young Pharaoh had a change of heart. The reasons why he decided not to do the debate with Brother Polight will be revealed on a scheduled live broadcast tonight via Brother Polight’s official YouTube channel.

    Special guest Oprah Brown, CEO of was asked to moderate the discussion as well. She posed a series of questions to both Brother Polight and Young Pharaoh. Here are the questions below.

    Young Pharoah: Have you ever spoken to extraterrestrials and do you speak to them often?

    Young Pharoah: Have you ever suggested that we quit our jobs for liberation and not pay for our homes?

    Brother Polight: What causes gentrification and how can we stop it?

    Brother Polight: How do you know that the ancient Egyptian language has been deciphered?

    Watch the full video above to here both of their responses. Why did Young Pharaoh get cold feet? Did he really bite off more than he could chew?

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