Teen Sexually Assaulted on Social Media But No One Reports It


    Facebook live catches yet another assault on camera and again, none of the viewers react.

    A 15-year old Chicago girl was sexually assaulted live on Facebook’s booming new feature, Facebook Live, and not one of about 40 people reported it. The girl was accompanied by 5 or 6 boys or men in the video where they were seen to be inappropriately touching the minor.

    All thanks to the girl’s mother, the authorities ultimately found out about the incident when she stopped police Superintendent Eddie Johnson while he was leaving a department in the Lawndale neighborhood on the West Side, said by police spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi. After firstly approaching the Superintendent, she explained how her daughter had been missing since the previous Sunday and also showed him screenshots of the professed attack.

    Guglielmi says that Johnson instantly called for an investigation on the case.

    The department asked Facebook to retract the video as well and they did promptly. On Tuesday, the department spokesperson tweeted out that the girl had been found and that they were now beginning an interview process. Guglielmi described Johnson to be rather upset after watching the assault play out on tape and even more, for that matter, that absolutely none of the initial witnesses thought to do anything about it.

    Source: New York Daily News

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