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Biggie Smalls Honored in old Playground’s Basketball Court

The City of New York Councilman Robert E, Cornegy, Jr. and the family of Chris Wallace, otherwise known as Biggie Smalls, dedicated basketball courts in the very same old playground that the iconic rapper from Brooklyn, New York once played around in as a child. His family, friends, and even community leaders all attended the historic event that was held today. The event was located at Cispus Attucks Playground.

Christopher Wallace aka Biggie Smalls was originally born in the city of Brooklyn, New York where he had dreams of becoming a well known rapper of his time. He broke many records in his career as a rap artist signed to Bad Boy Records. To this day he is known as one of the most iconic hip hop artists in history. After releasing his first initial work of songs, he spearheaded the way for East Coast hip hop when West Coast artists were popular and on the rise at that particular time.

After this, he was a prominent figure head in the constant battle between the West and East Coast rising hip hop feud. This exact feud is what eventually led to his death in March of the year 1997. The Notorious B.I.G. was fatally killed in a drive by shooting by an unknown murderer in Los Angeles. Following his tragic death, he has had a total of 4 albums that have all made high ranks on the charts.

He remains to still have an impact on the hip hop industry even in 2017 even after passing away 20 years ago. Several New York and parks officials were in attendance as well.

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