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American Hip Hop Music Producer turned African Prince & Mt. Kenya Ambassador

“Saint Michael come open the scroll, show them the half that has never been shown.” A line from a tribute song dedicated to Marcus Garvey back in 2015, little did Prince Saint Michael know that 2 years later he would be spearheading a pilgrimage of 144,000 people to the sacred Mt. Kenya or be inducted into the guardianship of the Sacred Scrolls, the original scrolls that inspired all Abrahamic faiths known to man.

“I want to reconnect our people with the wisdom keepers of Africa.” Ambassador Saint Prince Michael stated.

After years of being a Writer/Dj/Producer in the music industry working with some big names in Hop Hop like Juvenile, Jim Jones, and many more street music elite. Prince Saint Michael says he has been performing a “social experiment of manifestation” with his life and so far it has landed him the task of leading 144,000 people from around the world to journey to the Sacred Mountains of Kenya to perform a very ancient practice called the Mt. Keyna Prayer walk. To accomplish his mission the Prince founded “Pilgrimage Pal” a program created to initiate an annual pilgrimage to Mt. Kenya for 144,000 African Descendants each December for the Mt. Kenya Prayer Walk.

At the same location in Atlanta where Tupac’s mother spread his ashes. The royal family of Batswana announced Saint Michael Prince on July 29, 2017, one year after he was appointed Ambassador to Mt. Kenya’s College of Seers. With his new position and title, Prince Michael’s goal is to promote world peace, the edification of African History, and the global empowerment of the African Diaspora everywhere.

The sacred scrolls and tablets have been protected and well hidden in the Mountains of Kenya since the holy wars and invasion of European Imperialism. The Chief Seer of Mt. Kenya has just recently given authorization for the original scrolls of Moses to be documented and presented to the world after 800+ years of hiding.

The Prayer Walk is an ancient ritual performed at the Sacred Mount Kenya (also known as Mt. Thaio Mt. Zion by Holy Men/Women of Ancient Africa) as a last resort option during times of Crisis. The 12 Seers are the ancient wisdom keepers of the Kikuyu tribal society who watches the stars and nature in order to know of impending danger. They also guard the ancestral knowledge and artifacts (Ancient Scrolls and Tablets) passed down for thousands of years. They have broken silence to intervene with global matters by summoning the African Diaspora to perform the ancient ritual at the mountain each Dec 27th.

Prince Saint Michael has begun his journey of giving 144,000 people the opportunity of a lifetime, by doing presentations about the importance of Mt. Kenya’s Pilgrimage and The presentations will be filled with practical cultural jewels you can use, insight on economic empowerment, the sacred tablets, scrolls and many more topics related to the African Diaspora, Mt. Kenya and the empowering knowledge from African Wisdom Keepers.

In addition to creating a global pilgrimage, the Pilpal program is also designed to demonstrate a business strategy fashioned for financing large-scale community development projects. In support of the African Union’s 2063 Agenda, Pilpal’s resources will be leveraged to complete the 5 Legacy Projects assigned to the 6th Region of the African Union.

Prince Michael’s is unsure what his new status in the world will take him, but he is certain that he will continue to uplift his people by continuing to follow the path of the ancient ones. While observing how the universal dots are connected as our world enters into a new model of consciousness.

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