Philly Artist S.U.N.W.U.N stays true to Hip Hop with new EP


Something U Never Witnessed Until Now is an acronym name for Philly native, film maker/producer, and rapper S.U.N.W.U.N.

Sunwun will be dropping a new EP this Friday titled Supreme and he says fans can expect it to be a “breath of fresh air. ”

The Concrete Soliders filmmaker is hugely known for his work in the film industry but now with the release of the Supreme EP fans will have the opportunity to the combination of that raw Hip Hop sound infused with the new age knowledge of today. This is a raw Boom Bap Production with a Melodic twist a unique combination that will bring that Golden Era of Hip Hop back with a new modern style.

“ A lot of new artist of today did not have the opportunity to experience that Golden Era of Hip Hop that I was exposed to. A lot of the music today lacks what true Hip Hop vibe, we have a handful of so called conscious rappers like Kendrick Lamar, J Cole and a few more artist that have been trying to fill the void of what we’ve been missing, but I do not feel that it is enough. That’s why I still make music because true Hip Hop music is being over shadowed by this new sound that is filled with ignorant content that lacks education. People use Hip Hop as a tool of enlightenment and as artist, we have a responsibility to create music that will fulfill that need.

The Supreme EP will feature 6 tracks that will be an alternative to today’s Hip Hop trend. Sunwun wanted to bless the fans with that classic Hip Hop sound full of diversity, creativity, and originality.


Be sure to check out Sunwun’s new EP Supreme dropping this Friday, September 15th the EP can be found on all music streaming platform or by simply following Sunwun on social media.


Check out a track from the new EP


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