    Tracklib is a Swedish company founded by Eric Amarillo and Pär Almqvist.

    Legendary Hip-Hop producers, Statik Selektah, Prince Paul, Erick Sermon, Mr. Green, Hank Shocklee, QuestLove as well as Tom Silverman, the founder of groundbreaking hip-hop label Tommy Boy Records, have joined forces to advocate their support for Swedish start up, Tracklib.

    Tracklib is a game-changing new service that has made it extremely easy and affordable for artists and producers to clear samples legally.



    Tracklib has created an online marketplace where producers can discover, buy and license high-quality tracks from thousands of original recordings for the first time ever, with tracks starting at just $1.99. What iTunes did for downloads and Spotify did for streaming, Tracklib is on track to do for music sampling.

    The service boasts a catalog of over 50,000 tracks and is rapidly growing. The available tracks include all genres of music from pop, to Blues and Reggae to the highly sampled hit “Impeach the President” by the Honeydrippers and “The Hook And Sling (Part 1)” by Eddie Bo. Every single song is available at a fair and fixed price, with sample clearance for as little as $50.

    A select group of top global producers already have early access to the platform. Musicians and producers can log onto the site now to request access at

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