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Former Reality Star Deelishis is Thumbing Her Nose at the Haters

It appears radio personality and former reality show Queen Londen Charles professionally known as Deelishis is now thumbing her nose at her social media haters as she has just released a video that will refute any claims that she went under the knife and gave her nose a makeover. While the video only provided a visual collage of her nose in different settings, it is obvious she has put the smack down on the rumors. Check out the clip below.


The former reality starlet Deelishis, whose real name is London Charles who is known from Vh1 hit television show “The Flavor of Love2.” Deelishis won the reality show by beating the infamous New York who was making her second return. Soon after the show Deelishis and rapper Flavor Flav broke up. though the couple didn’t last long. Deelishis took advantage of her advantage of her fame as a model and vixen.

Recently Deelishis has become the topic of recent headlines after she posted a photo to Instagram. The shocking image to the right of the picture below, took many by surprise causing rumors to surface about the reality having a nose job done.

The former winner of “Flavor of Love 2” and model, Deelishis, now currently serves as a radio personality for Detroit’s 107.5. Deelishis who clearly is tired of the chestising was not going to let all allegations go without responding. Deelishis has clapped back at all of the naysayer in a hilarious rant where she denied having a nose job and says it was contour. Contour is a makeup cream that can change the appearance of your face like making your cheekbones pop or even make your nose slimmer. In instance that is what the reality star used it for. Dening all nose job allegations Deelishis did admit to getting a boob job and getting rid of her stretch marks. She also shouted out her doctor on her instagram. Deelishis had no problem with letting off steam by saying “it’s my body my money.” She also insinuating that the hater whos talking about her should be nice to her so she could hook them up with a discount from her doctor. Whooa! Deelishis has set the record and put everyone to in line by deadening all rumors. It’s safe to say they’ll tread lightly when coming for Deelishis.

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