Keys to Success According to Business Guru Daymond John


    Keys to Success According to Daymond John

    We all know of Daymond John, founder, and CEO of FUBU, star investor on ABC’s reality series Shark Tank, best selling book author, and the list can go on and on. Daymond is a master in knowing what it takes to become successful. From launching a multi-million dollar global brand with only $40, living in his mother’s basement all while working full time at Red Lobster. Daymond willed himself to be successful and through hard work and determination, he achieved his goal and even more.

    We all caught Daymond’s Breakfast Club Interview during his Promotion tour for his new book  ‘Rise and Grind: Outperform, Outwork, and Outhustle Your Way to a More Successful and Rewarding.’ In his newest book, John looks at everyday routines of individuals including, Gary Vaynerchuk, Wendy Williams, Carlos Santana, and Catherine Zeta-Jones, who people consider to be winning and at the top of their fields. He discusses his obstacles and how his hustler’s mentality helped him overcome them and land in the role of success. In his Breakfast Club interview, he shared a lot of great advice for all aspiring and current entrepreneurs looking for ways to be more successful.

    Get Up and to Work

    If you are spending your entire time binge-watching a new television series or scrolling through social media, when are you finding the time to accomplish your goals? One key factor in being successful is taking the time to get up and work towards your goals. We all have the ability to be great at what we do, but not everyone is great. Those who are great spent countless hours working on perfecting their craft and accomplishing their goals. Your greatness is already there, you just have to work to pull it out.

    Take time for yourself

    We can spend so much time working for others that we forget to take the time to take care of ourselves. In Daymond’s book Rise and Grind, he interviewed 15 accomplished business professionals on their secrets to being successful. During John’s Breakfast Club interview, he shared how important it is to make time for yourself every day. The first 90 minutes of your day should be reserved for you.

    Be Productive

    Productivity is key, staying productive ensures that you are working towards your goals. One of the keys to success is working smart, not hard. There is a difference between busy and productive. Being busy doesn’t always mean you’re being productive. Being productive is less about time management and more on managing your energy. It is the business of life.

    Stay Motivated

    Motivation is all about purpose, staying motived about your goals will ensure that you stick with them. What motivates you to want to achieve your goals? If you are lacking motivation find ways to help you be inspired.

     Are you likable?

    In our world where technology is making our phones and homes smarter being human can set you apart. If you do not have a good personality you can miss out on a lot of opportunities just because people didn’t like you. When asked what does he look for when he is about to invest in a person or business. John responds “ I have to like the person before I decide to invest.” “The Human factor is more important than anything else.”

    Be Practical

    We all have to start from somewhere, what holds a lot of people back is the thinking that they have to have lots of money to start an idea or business. When all you really need is to know what your resources are. “The main reason start-up companies go out of business is because of overfunding. They go out and borrow too much, instead of taking $500 to start up an FB page they spend $10,000 on a website.” “Mark Zuckerburg started with one friend, I started FUBU with one hat.” Start with what you have and build from there.

    Don’t Get Comfortable

    This is an essential ingredient to being successful. Never get too comfortable with where you are in life, get in the habit of mastering new things. Successful people take risks, when you get too comfortable you do not look for new opportunities. In the words of Anais Nin “The day will come when it’s more painful to remain tight in a bud than taking the risk to bloom.”





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