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Angel Brinks Hosts Couture Against Cancer Charity Fundraiser

Though the 67th NBA All Star weekend has come and gone, we can’t help but celebrate Angel Brinks and the amazing job she did hosting the Couture For Cancer Event. The event was held at the Avalon Theater and it offered attendees lunch, a Black Jack Tournament and a women’s empowerment award show honoring women in the field of Television, Film, Publicity, Charity, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Music, Culinary and more.​

Many came from far and near to attend the event and support the important cause. Check out some of the photos from the event below.


Couture Aginst Cancer photos by Thaddaeus McAdams / ExclusiveAccess.Net @KeepitExclusive on IG

Couture Aginst Cancer photos by Thaddaeus McAdams / ExclusiveAccess.Net @KeepitExclusive on IG
Couture Aginst Cancer photos by Thaddaeus McAdams / ExclusiveAccess.Net @KeepitExclusive on IG

Couture Aginst Cancer photos by Thaddaeus McAdams / ExclusiveAccess.Net @KeepitExclusive on IG

Couture Aginst Cancer photos by Thaddaeus McAdams / ExclusiveAccess.Net @KeepitExclusive on IG

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