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ICYMI: ‘To the Real Ones’ EP by Ash the Insomniac Out Now

Ash The Insomniac has finally released his EP, To the Real Ones, and on it he’s paying homage to all his “real ones.”

The 5-track titled EP is the perfect combination of smooth production, unforgettable lyrics and an overall good vibe. And guess what? Ash created all of it on his own! Not only did Ash write all of his own lyrics on the tracks but he also did all of the production. Definitely seems fitting since it’s a gift to those that have supported his career from the beginning.

“I want the listeners to get the messages. I would say they’re kind of like Saturday morning cartoons messages where it’s kind of hidden in the background of the songs. “Real Ones” the message there is have good friends around you and those good friends will help you. “Understanding” – if you’re working, doing your thing, you have to focus on you, you also have to thank your significant other for being understanding because you’re not the only one sacrificing for your dreams. With “Critic” I want people to be able to listen to that song whenever they’re down, and say, ‘Fuck a critic. Fuck what they have to say about me.’”

Take a listen to To the Real Ones below and tell us what you think of the new project!

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