Rapper Craig Mack Dies at the Age of 46


    Craig Mack Dies at the age of 46

    Another hip-hop great has died, Long Island rapper Craig Mack died Monday due to heart failure according to NY Daily News.  

    Known as one of Bad Boy Entertainment’s foundation pieces along with the late Notorious BIG. Mack is best known for his 1994 summer smash hit ” Flava In Ya Ear” which earned him a Grammy nomination for Best Rap Solo of the year.

    Mack died in a hospital near his home in Walterboro, S.C. He leaves behind his wife and two adult children.

    Longtime friend and producer Alvin Toney shared with the Daily News his final visit with Mack at his church just one week ago. In his statement he shares that;

    He visited the former emcee at the Overcomer Ministry church he attends in Walterboro to film a documentary about the retired rhymer, and his decision to pass on fame for a life of deep religious conviction.

    “Nobody got to understand his story,” Toney said. “I wanted the world to know the talent he had. It was something I wanted people to enjoy, but it was cut short because he was very religious and wanted to go to church.”

    Tony said Mack told him during his visit that he had been ill for some time and knew he wouldn’t survive.

    “He was prepared for whatever comes, to go home to the Lord,” Toney said. “He was prepared to do that. He wasn’t scared, he was ready.”

    The foundation of Bad Boy Entertainment

    According to the NY Times profile of Mack he had always dreamed of being a great rapper like LL Cool J and Run DMC. He began writing his own rhymes at the age of 12. Hoping that his rap dreams would come true Mack had his chance to prove himself to Bad Boy Entertainment founder P. Diddy better known then as Puff Daddy. Diddy promised he would sign Mack if he freestyled to Mary J. Blige.

    In an MTV Raps interview, Diddy declared both Biggie Smalls and Mack as the foundation of Bad Boy Entertainment. “This is my life here,” Diddy said, gesturing to Biggie Smalls and Mack. “We all need each other to live and breath. That’s the way we treat each other.”

    From the booth to the pulpit

    Due to Mack’s dedication to his religious beliefs, the rapper retired mic and dedicated his life to Christ. After years of staying out of the limelight, Mack resurfaced in a bizarre video in the congregation of the self-proclaimed Prophet, Ralph Gordon Stair who was arrested on rape and molestation charges in December of 2017.

    In the video, Stair says “Craig Mack is dead. We have somebody who used to be Craig Mack. He didn’t join anything. God joined him”. Stair gave Mack, the chance to speak for himself. “What did you use to do,” the broadcast preacher asked. “Wickedness,” Mack said. “And what are you doing now,” Stair continued. “Righteousness,” Mack replied before bouncing up and down with his hands in the air. Later in the video, Mack could be seen picking up the microphone to freestyle. Former congregation members said that Mack was a faithful member of the church and attended worship until his death. 


    Some of Hip Hop greats paid homage to the late rapper on social media. You will be forever missed Craig Mack.






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