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Waffle House Shooting Victim: Even in Death She Receives Her College Degree

DeEbony Groves would have walked across the threshold of graduation with a degree in Social Work Saturday Night. Unfortunately, that dream came to an end when DeEbony was a viciously murdered in the deadly Waffle House shooting that took place in Antioch Tennessee last month.

According to CNN  Groves school, Belmont University located in Nashville paid tribute to Groves by allowing her mother  Shirl Baker to walk across the stage and accept her daughter’s diploma on her behalf.

“Almost two weeks ago, our community suffered an unimaginable loss,” said Robert Fisher, President of Belmont University. “While our hearts were broken, today we have the chance to celebrate DeEbony’s life together.”
Grove’s brother Di’Angelo also received his diploma from Belmont. A   moment he was supposed to share with his sister. Both Di’Angelo and his mother received standing ovations from the crowd.
Belmont University announced that it has renamed a social work scholarship in DeEbony’s honor so that “her legacy will live on” through the scholarship which will “provide financial support and encouragement to generations of social work majors at Belmont University.”
DeEbony Groves died alongside her friend, Akilah DaSilva at the hands of a  gunman who got out of his truck, walked into the Antioch Waffle House and began shooting until a man wrestled the gun away from him. 
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