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Photo Alert: Keshia Walker’s Insights Takeover Essence Festival Weekend with Sold Out Events

(Nicole Murphy, Monyetta Shaw, Clay Evans) Credit: Dennis Byron

The lines were wrapped around the block to gain access to event promotor Keshia Walker who hosted three of the biggest events during Essence Weekend and all were star-studded and heavily attended. Hip Hop Enquirer had exclusive backstage access to the three days of events which kicked off on Friday.

Hosted by: Kenny Burns Sounds by: Mark da Spot, Trauma, E-Clazz, Neaux, Raj Smoove, and Jon Quick

Notable Attendees: Lil Duval (Comedian), Edgerrin James (Former Pro Bowl NFL Running Back), Clinton Portis (Former Pro Bowl NFL Running Back), Dresha Webb (Actress: Acrimony, Night School), Pleasure P (Grammy-Nominated Recording Artist), Nicole Murphy (Model/TV Personality)

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