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Conservative Filmmaker Mike Cernovich Exposes Hollywood Pedophilia Ring

Filmmaker and journalist Mike Cernovich opened pandora’s box on Twitter Friday night, which resulted in Disney firing  James Gunn from its “Guardians of the Galaxy” series because of tweets that would make any parent side eye and call 911.

Disney made the decision after the good sane people of the internet pushed a campaign centered around the tweets Gunn made about rape and pedophilia. Disney called the posts “indefensible” Good for them because that would have ended their careers had they even tried to defend him.

Just hours earlier, Cernovich also unearthed some disgusting pro-pedophilia tweets from USA Today columnist Cheri Jacobus, she posted a bizarre tweet about convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

When asked what made Cernovich want to expose the pedophile tweets, he stated

 “No one else will do it. It drives me insane. Why does the media protect them?”

It looks like pedophiles no longer have a place to hide on Twitter, while the world has good people like Cernovich, who used his platform like a Batman signal in the sky and let the world know, not to let those people babysit your kids.

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